Out of the Park Baseball (1999-2020)
Out of the Park Baseball, abbreviated as OOTP, is a text-based baseball simulator for career, historical, and fictional play. OOTP was originally written in 1998, when lead developer Markus Heinsohn sought to combine realistic replay baseball simulation with career play to satisfy hardcore fans and casual gamers alike. The first version was released in May 1999, with the help of sportswriter Sean Lahman, who sold the game through his website. This initial version received attention from several online gaming sites. The breakthrough release came in 2001 with OOTP 3. Twenty years later, it’s still going strong.

Watch the full trailer for Out of the Park (OOTP 19):
Watch the full trailer for Out of the Park (OOTP 20):
Watch the full trailer for Out of the Park (OOTP 21):
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