“Simon Birch” centers on two friends, Simon and Joe. Born unusually small, Simon believes he’s destined for a divine purpose, a belief tested when he accidentally kills Joe’s mother with a foul ball during a Little League game. This tragedy sparks a quest to find Joe’s real father and confirm Simon’s purpose.
Their journey tests their friendship and challenges their views on destiny. Mixing drama, comedy, and tragedy, the film reaches a poignant climax that explores faith and the complexities of human relationships.
Simon Birch | September 11, 1998 (United States)
Director: Mark Steven JohnsonWriter: Mark Steven Johnson, John IrvingStars: Ian Michael Smith, Joseph Mazzello, Ashley JuddSummary: A young boy with stunted growth is convinced that God has a great purpose for him, a belief that is put to the test when he accidentally kills his best friend's mother with a foul ball during a Little League game, sparking a journey to find his friend's real father and fulfill his own destiny.
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Source: imdb.com
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