Eric, an American-born Asian college graduate, steals a younger student’s identity to reclaim his lost year of baseball eligibility after his father’s death. He crosses paths with Monica, his coach’s All-American daughter, who is wrestling with her own complex identity due to past abuse following her mother’s death.
Navigating a maze of cultural, ethical, and generational challenges, both mask their true selves from each other. As Monica’s behavior becomes increasingly self-destructive, Eric must decide if he can help ground her reality before they both face devastating consequences.
AmerAsian | November 20, 2009 (United States)

Director: Roger LimWriter: Roger LimStars: Roger Lim, Evlin Lake, Bobby DodgeSummary: Eric, an American-born Asian college graduate, must steal a younger student's identity to take back the one last year of baseball eligibility that he lost when his dad passed away. Monica, his coach's All-American co-ed daughter, must ascertain her own questionable identity to come to terms with the years of abuse that she suffered after her mother passed away. Through cultural, ethical, and generational challenges, Eric and Monica hide their true selves from each other as long as they can. But can he ground her increasingly self-destructive behavior back to reality in order to avoid even further traumatic consequences?
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