“Catching Hell,” an ESPN film by Alex Gibney, dives into the infamous 2003 incident where Steve Bartman interfered with a catch by Moises Alou, derailing the Chicago Cubs’ World Series hopes. The film explores the psychology of fandom and how Bartman quickly became Chicago’s scapegoat.
The documentary acts as a cautionary tale, examining how mass disappointment can focus blame on a single individual. Using interviews and archival footage, “Catching Hell” exposes the darker sides of sports culture and prompts viewers to rethink their own snap judgments.
Catching Hell | June 10, 2011 (United States)
Director: Alex GibneyWriter: Alex GibneyStars: Alex Gibney, Dave Kaplan, Bob CostasSummary: After the Chicago Cubs blow an opportunity to reach the World Series in 2003, Cubs fans blame the team's misfortune on fellow fan Steve Bartman, who interfered with a foul ball and prevented Moises Alou from making a catch.
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Source: imdb.com
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