“Speedy” is a 1928 silent comedy film centered on Harold “Speedy” Swift, a passionate baseball fan prone to job losses. As a cab driver, he gets a thrilling opportunity: chauffeuring Babe Ruth to Yankee Stadium. Amidst this adventure, Speedy plays a pivotal role in protecting the city’s last horse-drawn trolley, operated by his girlfriend’s grandfather, from a relentless railroad company.
Directed by Ted Wilde, “Speedy” skillfully combines humor, romance, and a deep love for baseball against the backdrop of 1920s New York City. It showcases Speedy’s unwavering determination to preserve a cherished piece of history while delivering an enjoyable cinematic experience for audiences of all ages.
Speedy | May 4, 1928 (Brazil)
Director: Ted WildeWriter: John Grey, Lex Neal, Howard Emmett RogersStars: Harold Lloyd, Ann Christy, Bert WoodruffSummary: Harold "Speedy" Swift, a fan of Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees, saves from extinction the city's last horse-drawn trolley, operated by his girlfriend's grandfather.
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Source: imdb.com
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