“The Busher” follows young baseball pitcher Ben Harding, discovered by a big-league manager during an impromptu game in his small town of Brownsville. Quickly rising to fame in the major leagues, Ben loses touch with his roots and promises, particularly to his sweetheart, Mazie Palmer.
His newfound arrogance takes a toll on his performance, leading to his downfall and return to Brownsville in shame. When he learns that Mazie’s family home is at stake in a championship game, Ben reclaims his humble origins and pitching skills. His winning play redeems him in the eyes of his community and earns him a new contract, marking his transformation from conceit to humility.
The Busher | May 18, 1919 (United States)
Director: Jerome StormWriter: R. Cecil Smith, Earle SnellStars: Charles Ray, Colleen Moore, John GilbertSummary: A young baseball pitcher in the bush leagues is discovered by a big-league manager and given his chance in the major leagues. But will he be up to the challenge?
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Source: imdb.com
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