Based on the iconic 1888 American poem “Casey at the Bat,” first published in The San Francisco Examiner, various adaptations have captured the collective imagination over the years. The story unfolds in the fictional town of Mudville, where local hero Casey fails to save the day, striking out in a crucial baseball game. This enduring tale has been reimagined in 1899, 1913, 1916, 1922, 1927, 1946 as a Disney animated short, and 2005.
The 1916 silent film adaptation featured DeWolf Hopper Sr., known for his theatrical recitations of the poem. Though not portraying Casey himself, Hopper’s involvement added cultural heft to this timeless story. Like all its predecessors and successors, the film zeroes in on Casey’s much-anticipated but ultimately failed at-bat.
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Casey At The Bat (1927)
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