“Baseball Madness” is a silent comedy that weaves baseball, crime, and romance into an adventurous narrative. Directed by Billy Mason…
Jack Donovan, a devoted Chicago Cubs pitcher, defies the pressures from the sinister gambler, Mike Moran. When Donovan refuses to…
Set during the Florida land boom of the 1920s, “The New Klondike” follows small-town pitcher Thomas Kelly. After being ousted…
In “Warming Up,” Bert, a gifted small-town pitcher, secures a spot with the major league’s Green Sox. While impressing on the…
Set against the backdrop of America’s favorite pastime, “Fast Company” introduces us to Elmer Kane, an egomaniacal baseball slugger who…
In Pittsburgh, rising baseball star Jim Dolan, mentored by his spirited grandmother, captures the heart of Elaine, the team manager’s…
In the musical “They Learned About Women,” baseball players Jerry and Jack double as a vaudeville act. Jack’s life derails…
“Up the River” is a 1930 comedy directed by John Ford, featuring the debut roles of Spencer Tracy and Humphrey…
“Murder at the World Series,” is a made-for-television thriller set against the backdrop of America’s beloved pastime. The narrative centers…
In “One in a Million: The Ron LeFlore Story,” Ron LeFlore’s journey from Detroit’s tough streets to Michigan’s prisons is…