In “Big Guns,” a comedy film, a senior softball team called “Kids At Heart” decides to chase their dream of winning the Senior World Series. Renaming themselves “Big Guns,” they play hard but lose their way, embracing illegal bats, booze, and unscrupulous tactics as the competition heats up.
Disaster strikes when their shortstop permanently “strikes out,” forcing the team to confront their actions. The comedic tone shifts as they realize love and friendship are more important than victory, serving as a poignant reminder not to lose sight of what really matters while pursuing dreams.
Big Guns
Director: John Rester ZodrowWriter: John Rester ZodrowStars: Barry Primus, Mel Novak, Susan ThomasSummary: The fun-loving, easy-going, 60- to 75-year-old Senior Softball team "Kids At Heart" suddenly decide to go for their secret dream -- win the World Series (BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!) Renaming themselves "Big Guns", they get serious and play hard, maybe a little too hard. Our sweet guys suddenly disappear! The joking stops! Madcap disasters strike the team! Illegal bats and booze, ringers and wild women bring out the worst in them! Finally even wise old guys think twice as they rediscover that love and their friendships are more important than winning.
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Big Leaguer
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