Rally Caps is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale crafted for the screen by Lee Cipolla. Drawing inspiration from real-life events and adapted from a book penned by the father-daughter duo, Stephen J. Cutler and Jodi Michelle Cutler, the narrative centers on Jordy, a young boy who grapples with a grave injury sustained during a Little League baseball tryout.
Jordy’s journey takes him to a summer camp where he befriends Lucas, a deaf boy who recently underwent Cochlear Implant surgery. Their shared challenges forge a deep connection between them, both as friends and as a pitcher/catcher pair. Together, they rise above their adversities and steer their team towards victory in the camp’s championship game.
Rally Caps | 2024 (United States)
Director: Lee CipollaWriter: Lee Cipolla, Jodi Michelle Cutler, Stephen J. CutlerStars: Judd Hirsch, Amy Smart, Carson MinniearSummary: A young baseball player has his dreams of pitching for a Little League travel team derailed by a devastating injury on the field.
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Source: imdb.com
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