“Dizzy & Daffy” is set in 1934 and follows Lefty Howard, a half-blind pitcher who disappoints after joining the minor league team Farmer White Sox. Amidst the letdown, brothers Jerome and Paul Dean shine. Lefty unintentionally propels them to fame by nicknaming them Dizzy and Daffy.
The film charts the Deans’ ascent from minor league obscurity to stardom with the St. Louis Cardinals. While Lefty’s blunders offer comedy, it’s his nicknames that catalyze the brothers’ rise. As a Cardinals scout takes interest, the Deans face the challenges of newfound fame but stay rooted in their humble origins.
Dizzy & Daffy | December 15, 1934 (United States)

Director: Lloyd FrenchWriter: Dolph Singer, Jack HenleyStars: Dizzy Dean, Paul 'Daffy' Dean, Roscoe AtesSummary: A half-blind minor league pitcher meets, and nicknames, Dizzy and Daffy Dean, who go on to play for the St. Louis Cardinals.
Source: imdb.com
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