“When It Was a Game” delves into America’s baseball history, using rare footage from 1925 to 1971 shot by players and ardent fans. This documentary, focusing on the sport’s golden era from 1934 to 1957, offers vibrant portrayals of iconic players, ballparks, and significant moments like the 1938 World Series.
The film captures the heart of an era, highlighting the culture of stadiums and afternoon games, as well as unforgettable rivalries. Narrations include poetic reflections from those connected to the sport. With candid shots of legendary figures and even Hollywood icons like Bogart and Bacall, the documentary is a nostalgic tribute to when baseball was more than just a sport – it was a significant piece of American culture.
When It Was a Game | July 8, 1991 (United States)

Writer: Steven SternStars: Hank Aaron, Bud Abbott, Elden AukerSummary: This film consists solely of 8mm and 16mm film taken by players and fans from 1934 to 1957. All but a few minutes of the film are in color. Included is color footage of past major league players and ballparks, many of the parks now defunct. Also included are literary readings, remembrances by former players, and baseball related music.
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Source: imdb.com
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