“Ed” revolves around Jack “Deuce” Cooper, a gifted farm boy who unexpectedly joins the Santa Rosa Rockets minor league. His…
In HBO’s comedic take on the world of baseball, “Eastbound & Down” chronicles the tumultuous life of Kenny Powers. Once…
“Dizzy & Daffy” is set in 1934 and follows Lefty Howard, a half-blind pitcher who disappoints after joining the minor…
In “Diminished Capacity,” Matthew Broderick stars as a Chicago journalist grappling with memory loss who returns to his hometown to…
“Dear Mr. Fidrych” follows 12-year-old Marty Jones, a budding poet and aspiring baseball player in 1976 Detroit. Inspired by Detroit…
In “Dealin’ with Idiots,” comedian Max Morris, played by Jeff Garlin, finds himself uninspired and decides to seek material for…
In “Deadly Strike,” Boss Franz forms a company baseball team at Dirkschneider Inc. to boost morale. But instead of team…
In the horror-comedy film “Deadball,” 17-year-old Jubeh Yakyu is a feared delinquent sent to Pterodactyl Juvenile Reformatory after a crime…
“Damn Yankees” is a 1958 musical comedy that blends baseball with a Faustian tale. Joe Boyd trades his soul to…
In the 1927 adaptation of “Casey at the Bat,” Wallace Beery portrays Casey, a junk man turned baseball star. Lured…