Gambling on Baseball: From Criminal to Commonplace
As MLB teams near the final stretch of the COVID-19 shortened season, 2020 has proven to be a baseball turning point. Without fans able to attend games in person to cheer, they are shifting their thrills to gambling at home. Betting on baseball has a rich history, from the Black Sox Scandal to Pete Rose. Today, with online sportsbooks in the mix, baseball is changing. Who do you got?

A Baseball Season Without Fans? Cut It Out.
In a pandemic season without real baseball fans in attendance, these die-hards found a way to get into the stadium with the best seats in the house – as cardboard clones.

2020–2021 Baseball Convention Calendar
Have you ever wanted to attend the MLB Winter Meetings, ABCA Convention, SABR Analytics Conference or some other baseball show or event that was really expensive or far away? Because of COVID, many baseball meetings are now virtual. This means you may not need to travel or spend tons of money. Save every date on your calendar!

Baseball Candy Bars? Isn’t That Sweet
Dozens of pro baseball players have had candy released in their name. Whether a chocolate bar or chewing gum, these treats are tasty. Now, these aren’t ballplayer spokesmen advertising an energy bar, appearing on a Topps Stand-Ups candy series, having a baseball card printed on a box of Milk Duds, or being named Candy Maldonato. These players had a treat named after them. Take a bite!

Las Vegas Baseball Still Being Played? You Bet!
Eight amateur men’s baseball league teams returned to action, as squatters without a permit, during a pandemic, to play in a Memorial Day tournament. This is the story of illegal gaming, how and it went down, and why – according to baseball legend, Jimmy “Suicide” King. Watch the video.

Unraveling a Baseball to See How Long the Thread Is
Ever wonder how long the wool is inside of a baseball? I unraveled one so you don’t have to. All thread and wool layers combined measure 1,107 feet! Let us break down a baseball’s layers for you, before you throw your next one.

One Word Away from Becoming a Baseball Movie
It wasn’t a curveball. It began with a simple question posted on social media while my teammates were quarantined at home – not playing baseball. “Add one word to a non-baseball movie to make it about baseball.” The first answer was Lord of the Sacrifice Flies. The remaining responses were equally as ready for Hollywood.

Sacrifice Flying is a Win for America During a Pandemic
On July 15, 2017, there were three sacrifice flies during a lengthy 16-inning baseball game between the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. But one of them didn’t show up in the box score. Today, even in the absence of baseball, and in the presence of a pandemic, you might catch one. And if you do, you’ll be reminded that there are far bigger sacrifices being made off the field.

Unique Training Improves Athlete Performance and Aids TBI Patient Recovery
If your baseball trainer made you play the games of Simon and Whac-A-Mole simultaneously, while throwing tennis balls and HECOstix at you also, there’s a good chance you’d be a participant in a unique training program created by R3VAMP. But this program has also been shown to aid TBI patients in their recovery. Think you can handle it?

The Future is Now – Baseball 2020
In 1991, SNK published the futuristic video game Super Baseball 2020. In the future (at the time), several of the athletes are robots. The human characters have powerful armor, computer sensors, and jet-packs. In 1992, a year after the game was released, Javier Baez of the Chicago Cubs was born. In 2020, he made cover of MLB The Show ’20. Was the future of baseball predicted? Is Baez a man or a machine?